In my spare time I love to exercise and walk my two small dogs. Pocket Angel has been designed by me to provide a solution to giving people experiencing homelessness choice without having to give cash.
I don’t have a lot of spare time, but I do love to cook, stay as fit as I can, knit, and to travel.
I’ve been a Sussex Uni student living in Brighton over the last couple of years and have been saddened by the homelessness crisis the community is facing. Having started a professional placement year interning for the organisation Alcia and Andy work for (HPE), I was able to learn about the wonderful start up that they had created. I reached out to Alcia to see how I could help and before I knew it, I was getting stuck in and helping to spread awareness of the great work they had begun.
I have a natural desire to help others and have always wanted to use my skillset to help make a positive difference, so sharing my creativity on the Pocket Angel Team is amazing.
In my spare time you can find me playing volleyball, out on a run, or enjoying some time in the kitchen baking!
I came from Portugal to study (and hopefully work) in the UK. I’m a Marketing and Consumer Psychology student at Sussex. I first learned about Pocket Angel through an email from our Business School that told us about the opportunity to do volunteer work with the Pocket Angel team. After checking their website and mission I was immediately interested! I’ve always been passionate about social causes, and being able to apply my knowledge of Psychology and Marketing to such a meaningful non-lucrative business felt like the perfect opportunity to do good while also learning from others and growing as a professional and as a person.
Apart from these areas of interest, I’m also into writing, drawing and painting, rollerblading and going for walks in nature, and gaming (yes, girls can be gamers too!).